Monday, November 30, 2009

Now, don’t get me wrong; I don’t think he wants us to lose the war. but it looks as if he don't want to win it either.

I can’t see how he gives a damn about Afghanistan. He picks McChrystal and then promptly tosses him under the bus, along with our soldiers, backs up and runs over them a few more times. 116 soldiers died while his happy ass was out on the golf course “agonizing” about what he should do and convincing the stupid that he didn’t want to rush things.

The “strategy” we get from his speech is that he’s sending over LESS than the minimum estimated to do the job so they can prepare to pull out, and maybe serve as Taliban targets, in 18 months just in time, conveniently, for an election. This has nothing to do with winning and everything to do with keeping the team-killing the bastards on the liberal douchebag left happy

Sometimes, the only way to win the fight with evil is to show up for it. And then kill the other guy, when he shows up.

Since we are in in Afghanistan, the Islamists certainly are there – to fight us. And as Islamists, are in need of being killed. (Not talked to, or “understood” and allowed to go on.)

Saturday, November 28, 2009

The American People Don't Want Obamacare

If Congressional Democrats persist in shoving O-Care down America's throat, they will lose their jobs. The only question is whether or not they are willing to take that risk.

Some people think it doesn't matter to the Far Lefties if they lose their seats or not so long as they pass what has been their life's goal; socialized medicine.

Congress had better wake up and smell the coffee. WE,the People, DO have the power to throw all of them out of office. Both Parties. If Republicans start helping this Bill to pass, they're OUT! We already have the Democrats marked for pink slips. I don't think they STILL realize how angry the American people are at them. It's going to really be a HUGE SURPRISE in 2010 when they are all out of a job

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Tiger Woods

No one who has an IQ higher than Nancy Pelosi believed this made up story. Remember it is not the truth that will cause Tiger trouble it is the cover up. She was angry, grabbed a five iron and went after Tiger's balls. End of story. Pretending it was an auto accident was just silly when it was obvious it was a domestic dispute
Tiger Woods is a public figure. As an internationally recognized sports star, a blue-chip spokesman and a worldwide celebrity, whether he likes it or not (and apparently he doesn't) Woods is a public figure. This isn't something that simply happened. Woods worked at it. He practiced all his life, focused and trained to be a winner. And then he developed his skills as a public persona, pitchman and marketeer.
To me, the story of this woman isn't the actual story. It's the persona of Tiger Woods, the "perfect human" he has been portrayed as - and perpetuated - and THAT has been blown to bits.
PS... Cops now say they have proof that he was hit with a golf club. The words Nike Forged Blade is embedded on his forehead!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Obama On Foot Hood. Don't 'Jump to Conclusions'

Barack Obama gave his second statement on the Fort Hood massacre, and this one went better than his first. He cautioned Americans to let law-enforcement agencies do their job in investigating the 13 murders apparently committed by Army Major Nidal Malik Hasan and to avoid “jumping to conclusions” based on incomplete data. Although this statement has prompted angry responses in e-mail, in this case Obama’s correct.
That fact that President B.O doesn't want to jump to any conclusions shouldn't surprise any true Americans. He also doesn't want to jump to any conclusions regarding his generals' recommendations for sending more troops to Afghanistan!
We have another terrorist attack on our nation and BO tells us not to jump to conclusions. I guess it is only ok to jump to conclusions when a white cop is involved. I hope we make through these next three years!
I've already concluded that Bill Ayers is a domestic terrorist! At what point will you conclude that he is one too? Mr. President...You're nothing more than a liar!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

On Fort Hood

Barack Obama gave his second statement on the Fort Hood massacre, and this one went better than his first. He cautioned Americans to let law-enforcement agencies do their job in investigating the 13 murders apparently committed by Army Major Nidal Malik Hasan and to avoid “jumping to conclusions” based on incomplete data. Although this statement has prompted angry responses in e-mail, in this case Obama’s correct — almost anticlimactically so
Where are you Obama??? Your lib/socialist friends jumped all over Bush for not immediately going to New Orleans after Katrina, but you're too busy giving "shout outs" to call on our troops? You could fly Air Force One to NY for a photo op, or for a date, but not to see our troops? You can't even make the commissioning of the USS New York. Golf game today? Or are you simply hiding behind your real agenda?
Don't rush to judgment on anything about the shooting. He spends 1 min 5 sec. talking about the shooting and ordering flags at half mast, he spends 5 min 7 sec talking about unemployment extensions, paid for by the stimulus package that how it's paid for as the funds dry up, just get more out of the funds in the stimulus yet spent. Good stimulating, way to create jobs. Incentives for small businesses to start, like what? Everything he has done up to this point has hurt the economy, Bush bounced back from the .com bubble, and 9/11 hijackings and destruction of the World Trade Centers. And he bounced back greatly, record low unemployment numbers and record economic growth. His downside was that he wasn't fiscally responsible with that growth